Yifan Wang (王逸凡)


2nd Year PhD Student,

School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications,

University of New South Wales,

Sydney, NSW, Australia

I am a 2nd year PhD student at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, supervised by Prof. Vijay Sivaraman and Dr. Minzhao Lyu. I completed my Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Engineering with First Class Honours from UNSW Sydney in 2022.

I am a recipient of the University International Postgraduate Award (UIPA) Scholarship from UNSW, and an awardee of the National Industry PhD Program funded by Canopus Networks and the Australian Government Department of Education.

My research interest lies in network analysis and measurement, particularly for the Quality of Experience (QoE) of multimedia applications such as video streaming and cloud gaming, using a combination of network traffic analysis, programmable networks and machine learning techniques.


Jul 31, 2024 Paper on Characterizing Video Streaming User Platform accepted at ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC).
Jun 19, 2024 Paper on Measuring Generative AI Usage accepted at Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC).
Jun 10, 2024 Paper on Standardizing Multimedia QoE Telemetry accepted at ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Emerging Multimedia Systems (EMS).
Apr 15, 2024 Paper on Assessing Cloud Game Adaptability accepted at IFIP/IEEE Networking Conference.